Thursday, June 6, 2013

I know, I know, long time no blog.


      Hey guys! I know it has been forever! I got busy, and then struggled a little bit about what to share with all you lovely people. Do I talk about myself and my issues, or should I be sharing things I'm interested in, I guess a little of both. My plan is to keep this up on Wednesdays (even though today is Thursday). So lets get started =)

     As many of you may know over the past few months I have been interested in learning about food, and getting away from chemicals. I watched a documentary called Food Inc.(You can find it on Netflix and Amazon Prime) about two years ago and it seriously rocked my world. I found out things about food that stuck me to my core and I felt like I had to do something. The documentary goes behind the scenes of our food industry looking at how animals are treated and what chemicals are being put into out food. It also goes into talking about GMO's (genetically modified organism) that at not labeled here in the US ( but it is in Europe, Australia and even China). Scary stuff. So after watching this documentary I have kinda been thirsty for knowledge about whats really out there and what brands I can trust to do the right thing. 

    I have found that the only way to know that GMO's are not being used is to buy USDA organic foods.I have been motivated by this documentary and the fact that I struggle with eczema that can be miserable. I wanted to find things that where good for the world and good for me.This whole health food journey has brought me down many avenues. Some are too extreme or expensive for me, but to each there own. I am a no judgement kind of gal. I am all about everyone doing what works for them. If you are confident in that, that's awesome. I am working on the same thing. Figuring out my values and convictions and finding my own path. My husband has been telling me I am becoming "hippie" and "crunchy" haha! I think that's okay! I guess that's who I am. Lucky for him He is along for the ride, and honestly he's a great sport. I am looking forward to do more blog posts about things like, the "no poo" tread, meaning no shampoo, just washing your hair with baking soda and vinegar ( I am on day 4). Also things like oil pulling, meaning you swish olive oil or coconut oil in your mouth for a about 15 minutes and it supposed to help your oral health. I know, gross right, but I've done it a few times and it has made my teeth whiter. I am also working on cleaning without chemicals and probably many more.

    If this a little too "crunchy" for you. I get it. Its a little weird, and not what we are used to. Its a learning experience that I am having so much fun with!  So if you are interested I would love to chat. e-mail me at or find me of facebook.  I can't wait to share this journey with you all.

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